Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Reach us by email:

  • Email:

Complaint Procedure:

To make a complaint that archived content is inaccurate, contact the editor-in-chief in writing by letter or e-mail with the following information:

  • Name, telephone number and e-mail address
  • The URL address of the content in question
  • The specific content that is inaccurate and an explanation of how the information is inaccurate

In the case of content published more than one year ago, the complainant must provide reasonable proof to the editor that the content in question is no longer accurate. For example, a copy of expungement papers should be provided in case any criminal charges are dropped. If published more than a year ago, contested quotes are highly unlikely to be amended without written or audio documentation.

If the contested content was published less than a year ago, normal internal procedures for checking the material’s accuracy will apply and you may be asked to provide written documentation.

The request will be reviewed and checked by the editor and if the editor determines it to be valid, an update or correction will be posted.

6 thoughts on “Contact Us”
  1. Hello,

    I hope you are well. I’m a content writer.

    I would really love to contribute an article as a guest author for

    If you’re interested, I can send over my article. I make sure that all of my work is completely unique, well-researched and high quality (no fluff pieces)!

    In return, I will promote your website link on my Twitter.

    Let me know your thoughts

    kind regards,

  2. Hello,

    I am a Stout alumni and local business owner. I am looking into some advertising for my business. I own Brewery Nonic in the old Train Depot downtown. Would you allow us to advertise in the Stoutonia? Thanks for any information.

  3. Hello!
    I hope this comment reaches you in good spirits.
    I am a student of UW Stout, and I’m writing to you because I thought all students of Stout should have access to a situation that has many students talking.
    It is simply a letter that voices the concerns of many students in regards to a strange issue regarding Student Housing emails. We want our concern to be heard.
    If you want more information feel free to email me.
    Thank you for your time.
    Kind regards, Olson

  4. Great paper. Saw the new look this year. I was a grad student at Stout, now alum for 10 years. Would love to have seen more active reporting on global and university issues that impact students. Current reorganization, material for graduate students, conferences, tuition discussions, professional work, and even issues about the exploitation of students via plasma and egg donations, and ‘shifty’ work from night-club dancing to students’ without homes.

  5. Hi There,

    Just a heads-up that I believe the word “occurence” is spelled wrong on your website. I had a couple of errors on my site before I started using a service to monitor for them. There are a few sites that do this but we like and


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