By Billy Tuite —

Can a song really save your life? University of Wisconsin–Stout students will find the answer to this question and discover the true healing power of music, when Blue Devil Productions hosts a screening of the musical comedy-drama “Begin Again.”

Dan (Mark Ruffalo) is a New York-based record label executive who is struggling to keep his family together and keep up with the evolving music industry. He is eventually fired from his job and, naturally, goes on a drinking binge. Meanwhile, Gretta (Keira Knightly), moves to New York with her boyfriend and songwriting partner Dave (Adam Levine of Maroon 5) after he lands a record deal, but their relationship goes sour when Dave is led astray by his new-found fame and fortune.

The ex-record exec and ex-girlfriend later cross paths at an East Village bar when Dan hears Gretta performing a passionate break up song, leading the two to collaborate on an album and create a new-found friendship.

“Begin Again” will remind students of the value of patience and perseverance, all the while entertaining viewers with touching drama, laugh-out-loud comedy and a diverse soundtrack. It has something for everyone!

Catch the BDP screening of “Begin Again” on Friday Nov. 7 in Applied Arts room 210 at either 6 or 9 p.m.

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